Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lacanian Compass
Video-Seminar series
"Reading the Unconscious"

On Sunday, September 26, the Lacanian Compass hosted its first Video-Seminar in preparation for our upcoming Clinical Study Days on "Reading the Unconscious." Fabián Naparstek, a Member of the EOL in Argentina, joined us as our guest. Naparstek presented a very carefully argued text on "The Masculine Unconscious," in which he advanced several propositions on the the theme that the unconscious is masculine, which led to a very stimulating conversation. We also heard a case presentation by Fernando Schutt, a Member of the NEL in Miami, which demonstrated the place for psychoanalysis in agency settings and the psychoanalytic approach to a case of so-called fibromyalgia.

Our next Video-Seminar is scheduled for October 31. Our guest is Elisa Alvaregna from the EBP in Brazil, who will present on "What is the Importance of Dreams in Psychoanalysis Today." We will also have a Case Presentation by Fabio Azaredo, a Member of NYFLAG in New York.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Getting ready for the Clinical Study Days #5

Circle of lectures: Getting ready for the Clinical Study Days #5 “Reading the Unconscious"
First Lecture:
“Reading the Unconscious”
Speaker: Fernando Schutt, LMHC
Member of the Word Association of Psychoanalysis
Member of NEL-Miami

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
7:00 pm
Address: 782 NW 42nd AVE, Suite 203-A
Miami, FL 33126
Entrance is Free

The members of the World Association of Psychoanalysis in the United States have been holding an annual nation-wide conference showing and debating our clinical practice at the USA.
This time Miami Beach will host the Clinical Study Days #5 from January 14 - 16.
The NEL- Miami is celebrating it with a series of short related conferences
Participation in these conferences is free and open to the public.